Monday, September 29, 2014

Mission 3 Planet Rodigo

Very few of the Inner Sphere commanders have answered our Batchall's honorably. Our reports about Rodigo indicate that only the 1st New Starburg Mechanized Cavalry Regiment garrisons the planet. You have won the bid with your Command Trinary. You will land from orbital drop inside New Starburg. I have outfitted all OmniMechs in their Primary configuration as this has proved to provide the greatest configuration for dealing with any surprises.

Star Colonel Dwillit Radick of 16th Battle Cluster and I will observe the battle from orbit.

Your Binary will land and clear this section of New Starburg, while the recon star clears the outer perimeter to the west.

After months of garrison duty I am sure you are eager to display your skills. Remember do not take the forces of the Inner Sphere lightly, they tend to not fight with honor.

Operation Revival Wave Two May 3050

6 Planets have been targeted for wave two. After months of your Binary serving garrison duty your trinary has won the final bid for the planet Rodigo.

352nd Assault Cluster has been assigned the planet Csesztreg.

11th Wolf Guards has been assigned the planet Leoben.

3rd Battle Cluster has been assigned the planet Lovinac.

279th Battle Cluster has been assigned the planet New Bergen.

11th Battle Cluster has been assigned the planet Rodigo.

328th Assault Cluster has been assigned the planet Norn.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Operation Revival update Wave One April 3050

Continuing wave one we had 3 more planets targeted.

7th Battle Cluster was assigned the planet Balsta. The planet was defended by the 1st and 2nd Mechanized Militia Divisions. Both divisions were able to put up stiff resistance at the Coson Hills, Bishop Crossing and Denning Fjord until Star Captain Mario Sradac located an opening in their defensive lines and exploit it to split the defenders in two.

341st Assault Cluster was assigned the planet St. John. The planet was defended by the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th St. Johns Free Brigades and under the command of a hero of Rasalhague's fight for independence, Överste Klinton Meyer. Because of his aggressive defense Överste Meyer was able to hold out against Supernovas Command and Second of the 341st Assault Cluster until Star Colonel Ramon Sender forced his surrender by threatening the lives of innocent civilians. For this "dishonorable action" the Star Colonel was publicly reprimanded by Khan Ulric Kerensky.

11th Wolf Guards were assigned the planet Svelvik. Supernova Command faced off against the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Svelvik Mechanized Militia around Dawson Bluffs. The militia forces proved no match and quickly folded after their first encounter with Supernova Command's Elementals.

Operation Revival update Wave One March 3050

We are past the Periphery planets and will now begin wave one of Operation Revival. We have targeted 10 planets. So far we have seen time and again that the forces of the Inner Sphere retreat rather quickly.

37th Striker Cluster was assigned the planet Alleghe. Defending the planet were Skinner's Scimitars, a mercenary 'Mech battalion, along with the 2nd and 5th Alleghe Tank Regiments and the 1st Alleghe Infantry Regiment. The two sides clashed at Stensele's Ag-Center and the Old Bolby Spaceport, where all but one of the Scimitars' companies was wiped out. Unfortunately the surviving mercenaries managed to evacuate off-planet.

279th Battle Cluster was assigned the planet Chateau. Defending the planet were the 10th Donegal Guards, commanded by Marshal Sara Steiner, along with the 1st and 2nd Chateau Mechanized Militia. The AFFC forces put up the greatest resistance so far. Marshal Steiner's tactical skills prevented the Wolf warriors from easily overrunning the defenders at Coston Bluffs, Romul and the Hi-5 Corridor. Their downfall came when the militia panicked and compromised the Guards' position, forcing the marshal to call a retreat. In the end only two 'Mech companies and less than three regiments of conventional forces escaped.

16th Battle Cluster was assigned the planet The Edge. The defending mercenary unit, the Outlaws, faced off against the Clan invaders on the Plains of Torneträsk in what the Outlaws intended to be a set-piece battle, but which instead turned into a rout that saw just two companies of Outlaw forces escape.

4th Wolf Guards were assigned the planet Icar. They were opposed by the 3rd Regiment of the 12th Star Guards, commanded by Colonel Hanna Caitlin, backed up by the 3rd Icar Armored Brigade. The initial Wolf assault was swift, quickly overrunning the Star Guards' 2nd Battalion just minutes after securing their landing zones, and when Colonel Caitlin attempted to counter-attack at Pofadder's Gully her advance was repulsed. The Star Guards attempted to retreat off-world but were stopped when Elementals boarded their DropShips at Cuanger and forced their surrender.

328th Assault Cluster was assigned the planet New Caledonia. The 2nd Drakøns, supported by the 1st and 4th Militia Tank Regiments and 8th Militia Infantry Regiment, initially resistedour forces at Avesta and Kumla but were forced to retreat. While the Drakøns made an orderly withdrawal it was at the cost of two battalions. When they reached the continental capital of Redfev the Drakøns fled New Caledonia for Rasalhague, ceding the planet to Clan Wolf.

4th Striker Cluster was assigned the planet Outpost. They were opposed by the Outpost People's Militia, consisting of two infantry regiments and one armor regiment. The battle was short, with the commander of the People's Militia surrendering to Clan Wolf after the destruction of his tank battalion at Haparanda.

7th Battle Cluster was assigned the planet Skallevoll.  They clashed with the planet's defenders, consisting of the 1st Skallevoll People's Armored Regiment, 1st and 3rd Skallevoll People's Mechanized Regiment, and a mercenary 'Mech battalion known as The Glory Warriors, at Stormgard's Crossing and on the Kesig Plain. The majority of both militia and mercenary forces were destroyed in these confrontations, forcing the local government to accept terms of surrender.

Operation Revival Update September 3049

Operation revival is going better than we expected. Although we are only engaging troops garrisoning periphery worlds we are still not taking the forces of the innersphere lightly. 

Troop deployment is as follows.

Bronze Keshik was assigned the planet Butte Hold. The government of the planet surrendered to our forces without any resistance.

7th Battle Cluster was assigned the planet Crellacor. 3rd Oberon Guards and the Crellacor Guards were defeated after two fierce battles against our forces.

The Red Keshik was assigned the planet Gustrell. The defending Gustrell Guards, two battalions of mechanized infantry, faced off against the Red Keshik of Delta Galaxy in the Pellembroke Woods. The battalions prepared fortified positions in the heavily-forested terrain, the defenders were easily overrun and the plant conquered.

11th Wolf Guards were assigned the planet Oberon IV. The 11th Wolf Guards arrived and quickly swallowed Oberon along with it's entire Confederation, destroying Hendrik III and his outmatched Oberon Guards in the process. The battle was short, with the 11th Wolf Guards of Delta Galaxy defeating the 1st Oberon Guards at first Black Canyon, then Dao Sing Plain and finally at Kennedy Beach. When the battle was over the King was found dead, having taken his own life rather than submit to Clan rule. The reports of this victory are still being analyzed as we are closely examining the fighting style of the inner sphere forces.

341st Assault Cluster was assigned the planet Paulus Prime. The defending Paulus Guards were caught completely by surprise and at the Mannington Dwells most surrendered or were killed in the opening moments of the attack.

37th Striker Cluster was assigned the planet of Sigurd. Our forces made short work of the defending Sigurd Guards at the Ewell Graveyard, most of whom surrendered at the first sight of our OmniMechs and Elementals.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Operation Revival Update August 3049

ilKhan Showers seems determined to shame us. The invasion route has been divided into four "corridors" we were given the least prestigious route, running mostly through the weaker Free Rasalhague Republic, the ilKhan's headquarters has been placed aboard our flagship the Dire Wolf, almost to imply that we need his supervision.

The first opposition we have met in the course of operation revival has been on the planets of the Periphery, small numbers of enemy forces have been encountered operating very outdated and dilapidated machines. Despite the ease with which we have destroyed these forces we have come to respect these opponents, especially the mercenary group the Kell Hounds whom we faced on the planet The Rock, We have scrutinized their fighting styles and freely offered this information to the other Clans, but it was met only with derision for the dishonorable way these barbarians conducted themselves.

August 3049
Silver Keshik was assigned the planet of Blackstone. The defending company the Blackstone Guards in their aging machines were destroyed by our superior Clan troops with ease.

Red Keshik was assigned the planet of Drask's Den The Drask's Guards stood their ground in Jallington Vale but many of their 'Mechs and vehicles were destroyed by Red Keshik's AeroSpace Fighters without even firing a shot. The survivors were mopped up by the Keshik's ground forces and the planet conquered again with ease.

Bronze Keshik was assigned the planet of Placida. A majority of the planet's defenders, the Placidia Guards, seemed completely unprepared by the attack and the unit was destroyed during fighting on the Usilic Ridge with ease.

328th Assault Cluster was assigned the planet of Ferris. The Ferris Guards put up almost no resistance to our forces and were swiftly dealt with.

The Golden Keshik were assigned the large asteroid The Rock. Golden Keshik encountered a base housing a pirate force known as Kenny Ryan's Pirates. The pirate force attempted to flee and the Golden Keshik in pursuit also encountered the mercenary unit the Kell Hounds 2nd Regiment. A few bondsmen were acquired.

Mission 2 Outcome

Fine job warriors of Kerensky,

You secured the city fairly quickly this is obviously due to your rigorous training. The dishonorable solahma warriors of Steel Viper Zeta galaxy will not have their genetic legacy passed on to the next generation. Like true Wolf warriors you adapted quickly to their tactic of firing before establishing an honor duel, also you did manage to capture the Heavy Mech we wanted to study, almost fully in tact I might add. We understand the Steel Vipers have given it the moniker of Black Python. Our tech caste will study it further but from what we have uncovered already it does not appear to be a Mech we wish to add to our touman.

Of your full binary half of your force was either destroyed or driven off. But you did secure some nice salvage. Three of the Steel Vipers Mechs are able to be quickly repaired and added to your binary if you so wish. They consist of a Battle Cobra, Crossbow and a very outdated Vapor Eagle. All of these are not in my opinion worthy of a wolf warrior but if you wish to you may add them to your force you may do so.

Mechwarrior Stephen was killed in action but I will send for a fresh warrior and have him brought to you as soon as possible to re fill your ranks.

The council has spoken and the invasion of the Inner Sphere will commence. Your binary will not be included in the first wave. We are saving the initial invasion for our most skilled warriors.

We will re take Terra and fulfill our great fathers vision of a united Inner Sphere again.

Galaxy Commander out.

Mechwarrior Break Down -

Paul - Destroyed a Shadow Hawk IIC. Clean kill through CT

Keith - Destroyed a Battle Cobra and a Vapor Eagle. Battle Cobra was killed with UAC 20 to the Head. Vapor Eagle disabled with two engine hits. Had to leave the field due to damage.

Steve - Destroyed a Crossbow with knocking the pilot unconscious. Then destroyed the Marauder IIC through the CT with a successful bid of only his SRM's.

Justin - Destroyed the Black Python with multiple head hits aiming high.

Sara - Lost her Gargoyle to the Marauder IIC Multiple engine hits and Ammo explosion.

Mike - Had to leave the field with two engine hits after facing the Vapor Eagle.

Dave - Destroyed the Horned Owl through the CT and the Matador with igniting the ammo bins.

Tom - Destroyed the Incubus with a well placed UAC 20 shot igniting the ammo bin.

Dan - Destroyed the Arctic Cheetah with 3 engine hits. Had to leave the field due to too much damage.

Stephen - KIA against the Matador cockpit destroyed.

Your updated stats are as follows. Here is what everyone stands for After Mission 2.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mission 2

We are including your unit for our raid against the Steel Vipers on New Kent. Your Binary is tasked with covering the area north of Shandrake Massif while the bulk of our forces face the Steel Vipers to the West. You will take your Binary North and you will find a small city, use this area to setup a defensive position. We have heard rumors that New Kent Armor Works has developed a new battlemech. Normally we would ignore such rumors, but what makes this interesting  is that the reports and rumors claim this design is not an omnimech. If you encounter this Mech try and gather as much intel as possible.

Galaxy Commander Out

Recon photos:

Mission 1 Outcome

You fought very well. The arrogance of the Jade falcons never ceases to amaze me. At the end of the battle your Binary only had to withdraw 2 Adders. Since it was such an overwhelming victory I am gifting your Binary with two Omni Mechs from the battle. You may add to your ranks another Stormcrow and a Hellbringer. Put these 'Mechs to good use the Hellbringer should benefit your binary with the electronics package it it outfitted with.

Star Captain Paul took down his initial target a Hellbringer and took down the Hunchback IIC after it took out two of our own.

Star Captain Stephen fell to the overwhelming firepower of the Hunchback IIC, but was able to completely salvage his own Adder.

Mechwarrior Keith displayed great tactics when facing a Hellbringer and was able to disable it with two engine hits.

Mechwarrior Steve faced a Summoner C. Due to some fault with that 'Mech it exploded due to unknown factors. there was no honor to be found here.

Mechwarrior Justin displayed great tactics against the Summoner he was facing and eventually it fell when the pilot fell unconscious.

Mechwarrior Sara had an honorable duel against a Summoner. That pilot will not have his genetic legacy passed on to the next generation as Sara destroyed the cockpit.

Mechwarrior Mike easily took down the Kitfox it did not appear to even be a challenge to Mike.

Mechwarrior Dave out piloted his opponent a Stormcrow  and eventually took it down with 2 gyro hits.

Mechwarrior Tom also handled his opponent with ease a Kitfox again making it seem all to easy. Tom also engaged the Hunchback IIC pilot but fell to the well placed shots of the Hunchback IIC.

Mechwarrior Dan had an entertaining battle against his Kitfox. The pilot displayed good tactics for a falcon but eventually fell to multiple engine hits.

Afterwards Star Captain Stephen claimed the Hellbringer as his new 'Mech and Mechwarrior Dave and Mechwarrior Tom dueled for the rights to the Stormcrow. Mechwarrior Tom came out on tom disabling the Iceferret with a well placed PPC blast from his Adder to claim the Stormcrow.

Standings are as follows.