Monday, June 23, 2014

Kills and Honor Points

What counts as kill?
A 'Mech is considered a mission kill if...
It takes a third engine hit
It takes a second gyro hit
It loses it's 3rd limb
It loses the last internal structure point of the head
It loses the last internal structure point of the center torso.
It's cockpit is destroyed
It is immobile and has no weapons that it can fire.
The MechWarrior punches out.

A vehicle counts as a mission kill if...
It is immobile and can't fire any weapons...
Any one of the numerous critical hits that say "Tank destroyed"
The last internal structure point is removed from the hull or the turret.

Battle Armor and Infantry count as a mission kill...
When the last trooper is killed.

Is a light tank the same as killing an Assault 'Mech? is the kill value chart.

Mech = 1 kill
Assault Tank = 1 kill
Heavy tank = 3/4 kill
Medium Tank = 1/2 kill
Light tank = 1/4 kill
Battle Armor = 1/2 kill
Infantry = 1/2 kill

It is not necessarily the kill shot that I award the kill to (although most of the time I do). I will at times award bonus kills for mission completion or good role play or being aggressive or just having rotten dice. Kills will be awarded in the after action reports.

Honor points

After every mission you will be awarded honor points based on game play. Honor points are accumulated, and with every level achieved you unlock new features.

5 points = Random ‘Mech roll up. A chance for a better BattleMech.
10 points = Noticed by a bloodnamed warrior. Chance for a bloodname trial.
Bloodnamed warriors may customize their OmniMechs.

Ways to gain honor points.
Inner Sphere ‘Mech equal class than ‘Mech = 1/4 point
Inner Sphere ‘Mech 1 class higher than ‘Mech = 1/2 point
Inner Sphere ‘Mech 2 classes higher than ‘Mech = 1 point
Inner Sphere ‘Mech 3 classes higher that ‘Mech = 2 points
Clan ‘Mech equal class than ‘Mech = 1/2 point
Clan ‘Mech 1 class higher than ‘Mech = 1 point
Clan ‘Mech 2 classes higher than ‘Mech = 2 points
Clan ‘Mech 3 classes higher that ‘Mech = 4 points
Win a bidding and succeed in mission= 1/2 point
Star League era ‘Mech = 1/2 point
Other points may be awarded by me for aggressive play, staying in character etc.

If you die you lose all accumulated honor points.

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